Advisory board
Urban Forestry
Advisory Board
The fellowship is supported by an advisory board from governmental, professional and academic backgrounds. Its members are:
- Marc Custers : Senior Policy Officer, VHG
- Dr. Bob Ursem : Scientific Director, Botanic Gardens TU Delft
- Hans Kaljee : Senior Tree officer, City of Amsterdam
- Hanna Hirsch : Director Bomenstichting Nederland
- Leendert Koudstaal : Senior Tree Officer, City of the Hague
- Prof. dr. ir. Erik de Jong : Professor of Culture, Landscape & Nature (Artis-leerstoel) UVA
- Olivier Copijn : Director Realisation Van der Tol bv
- Prof. ir. Dirk Sijmons : Emeritus Professor Landscape Architecture, TU Delft
- Harold Schoenmakers : Founder/Director Boomtechnisch Advies
- Djorn Noordman : Strategic Asset manager Public Space, City of Haarlem
- Maarten Loeffen : Director Vereniging Stadswerk Nederland